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"The Directors, Take Three" offers dozens of masterful insights on the craft of directing from such renowned filmmakers as Robert Altman, Wes Craven, Alan Parker, Tim Burton, Steven Spielberg, and Barry Levinson. Here are details of their experiences making a variety of classic films from" Nashville" to "Nightmare on Elm Street," " Rain Man" to "Raging Bull," and "Pee Wee's Big Adventure" to "Schindler's List." You'll discover directors' earliest reactions to scripts for films that became classics; how legendary scenes were staged and shot; behind-the-scenes stories of the unknown actors who landed major roles and went on to become superstars; the underdog films that confounded expectations; directors' unique approaches to their art; and much, much more. This magnificent series also includes each director's filmography, complete listings of major awards, and cast credits for every film discussed. A fabulous source of insights, anecdotes, and industry secrets for film buffs everywhere, Here are never-before-revealed details from such renowned filmmakers as Norman Jewison, James Cameron, Rob Reiner, Spike Lee, and Garry Marshall regarding their experiences making a variety of classic films from The Exorcist to The Princess Bride , Fiddler on the Roof to Saturday Night Fever , Superman to Forrest Gump . You'll discover their earliest reactions to scripts for films that became classics; how legendary scenes were staged and shot; behind-the-scenes stories of the unknown actors who landed major roles and went on to become superstars; the underdog films that confounded expectations; and much, much more. This magnificent series also includes each director's filmography, complete listings of major awards, and cast credits for every film discussed. A fabulous source of insights, anecdotes, and industry secrets for film buffs everywhere!, In the companion to the Silver Plaque-winning Starz/Encore documentary series, this book offers interviews with thirteen top filmmakers. Contains each director's filmography, complete listings of major awards, and cast credits for all films discussed., This companion to the Silver Plaque-winning Starz/Encore documentary series of the same name is the third instalment of the books that were declared unquenchable entertainment value by Kirkus Reviews. The Directors, Take Three offers dozens of masterful insights on the craft of directing from such renowned filmmakers as Robert Altman, Wes Craven, Alan Parker, Tim Burton, Steven Spielberg, and Barry Levinson. Here are details of their experiences making a variety of classic films from Nashville to Nightmare on Elm Street, Rain Man to Raging Bull, and Pee Wee's Big Adventure to Schindler's List. You'll discover directors' earliest reactions to scripts for films that became classics; how legendary scenes were staged and shot; behind-the-scenes stories of the unknown actors who landed major roles and went on to become superstars; the underdog films that confounded expectations; directors' unique approaches to their art; and much, much more. This magnificent series also includes each director's filmography, complete listings of major awards, and cast credits for every film discussed. A fabulous source of insights, anecdotes, and industry secrets for film buffs everywhere - Features, This companion to the Silver Plaque? winning Starz/Encore documentary series of the same name is the third installment of the books that were declared "unquenchable entertainment value" by Kirkus Reviews. The Directors, Take Three offers dozens of masterful insights on the craft of directing from such renowned filmmakers as Robert Altman, Wes Craven, Alan Parker, Tim Burton, Steven Spielberg, and Barry Levinson. Here are details of their experiences making a variety of classic films from Nashville to Nightmare on Elm Street, Rain Man to Raging Bull, and Pee Wee's Big Adventure to Schindler's List. You'll discover directors? earliest reactions to scripts for films that became classics; how legendary scenes were staged and shot; behind-the-scenes stories of the unknown actors who landed major roles and went on to become superstars; the underdog films that confounded expectations; directors? unique approaches to their art; and much, much more. This magnificent series also includes each director's filmography, complete listings of major awards, and cast credits for every film discussed. A fabulous source of insights, anecdotes, and industry secrets for film buffs everywhere!

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